Scottish Spine Surgeons 'We've Got Your Back' TM
Scottish Spine Surgeons'We've Got Your Back' TM

12th annual meeting - 2019 - Edinburgh Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd November

Scottish Spine Surgeons poster Edinburgh 2019
Scottish Spine Surgeons poster 2019 Edin[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.5 MB]

A big thank you to Lauren (Ms Sutherland, QC) for spending most of the afternoon with us on Friday. Everyone learnt so much from her talk "Montgomery - the journey from Hippocrates to patenalism to patient choice". The whole audience enjoyed the discussion that included a representative from each Scottish city of our group talking about their consent process. Lauren signed a copy of her book "A Guide to Consent in Clinical Negligence Post-Montgomery" (2018, ISBN 978-1-911035-12-1) for each city bought by the group with all profits going to charity. We all noted Lauren's suggestion to read the Royal College of Surgeons newest publication "Consent: Supported Decision Making" (2018). This session overran well into the evening with only thirst and hunger stopping us.

Another highlight was Tim (Mr Pigott) advising us on the topic of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs). As the immediate past president of the European Spine Society using data from their PROMs system SpineTango this was a masterclass in how to listen to patients. We all know it is necessary to emulate what is happening elsewhere in the U.K. and Europe for our patients.

Thanks to Robert (Mr Dunsmuir, Leeds) and Tony (Mr Reece, Glasgow) for adjudicating the excellent free paper session. All of the 10 papers were presented to a high level.

Congratulations to Ming Huay Chin for winning First Prize for paper 4 "Functional and neurological outcomes in cervical spinal cord injury patients.  How much does initial ASIA grade affect outcome?". 

We were very pleased host the 12th Scottish Spine Surgeons’ Meeting in Edinburgh.  The venue at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh - King Khalid Symposium Hall worked well.

Congratulations to Sophie Adams for winning Second Prize for paper 6 "Completing ‘reasonable patient’ consent for all – what information disclosure do spine patients want?".

There was so much to enjoy. The DEBATE 'This house proposes that adult degenerative spine deformity surgery should be available in Scotland? - ‘Realistic’ spine surgery in Scotland in 2019?' was a lively one thanks to the efforts of Odhrán (Mr Murray) and Enrique (Mr Garirdo) with the scene set by Alex (Mr Augustithis). At the vote - the AYES had it - 15 to 1 (excluding the two proposers).


In the first of our WORKING TOGETHER series both Angus (Dr Thompson) and Daniel (Dr Reynolds) set the foundations for a frutiful collaberation. We agreed effectively we operate together so communication is the key - with plenty of it over the two days! Roll on next year with our allied health care team in back pain.


The early feedbanck indicates we all achieved our annual focus of clinic practice, audit, research and education in spinal surgery in Scotland by promoting the sharing of knowledge and experience in a collegial, friendly gathering.


Thanks to all 10 sponsors who are listed below for their generous support. The accounts will be published when the meeting feedback closes end November with our group in a healthy position for the future.

It was clear we all agree there is much to do with our group projects and more. Until we meet again - we were gald to make sure 'We've Got Your Back'.

Until we meet again in Dundee 2020

Best Wishes

Chris and Jothy,

on behalf of The Spine Team, Edinburgh

Sponsors 2019 (updated 02/11/2019). Click on the logo for each website.

òir (gold)

reisgte (silver)

umha (bronze)

Local Hosts 2025

Chris Barrett

Fraser Dean

Event administrator

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There are exciting new developments in spine surgery provision throughout Scotland. Lets tell each other about our spine practice.

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