Scottish Spine Surgeons 'We've Got Your Back' TM
Scottish Spine Surgeons'We've Got Your Back' TM

What is being said about the 2018 Scottish Spine Surgeons meeting?

Evaluation Responses

Thanks to all who completed the meeting evaluation. The full results on Survey Monkey link or download below.


This helps us plan for the future.

Scottish Spine Surgeons meeting 2018 - Glasgow - Evaluation Form - Responses | SurveyMonkey
This is what you thought.
Scottish Spine Surgeons meeting 2018 - G[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [106.4 KB]

Thanks again to our sponsors for paying the costs:

Friday attendance: £ x ? registrants = £.

Evening meal: £ total.

Accomodation: £ x ? = £.

Saturday attendance: £ x ? registrants = £.

AV recording: £.

Other: £.

TOTAL = £ + VAT.

Local Hosts 2025

Chris Barrett

Fraser Dean

Event administrator

Use the Contact Us form


There are exciting new developments in spine surgery provision throughout Scotland. Lets tell each other about our spine practice.

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