As spine surgeons in Scotland our minimum aim is to provide a Trainee Forum for the "Essential / Critial Conditions" from the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme (ISCP) Version 10 topics (accessed 08/11/2017).
Five of the "Essential" 10 include spine;
6. Spinal Trauma
- Cervical spine
7. Benign intradural tumours
8. Malignant spinal cord compression
9. Degenerative spinal disorders
10. Emergency paediatric care
N.B. cauda equina syndrome is not listed separately currently.
Six of the "Critical" 12 are spine;
4. Immediate Assessment, Care and Referral of Spinal Trauma
- Cervical spine
5. Spinal Infections
6. Complications of Inflammatory Spinal Conditions
7. Metastatic Spinal Compresion
8. The Painful Spine in the Child